Monday, March 19

Facts are in...

If you haven't watched the video directly below, do so before reading this post.

It didn't take long to find some of the numbers behind the claims made by the Starbucks representative interviewed below. Apparently, the rumor is true. They do buy fair trade coffee. In 2006, Starbucks actually bought 18 million pounds of green (unroasted) coffee beans, which is a lot, unless you knew that they bought a total of 155 million pounds last year alone. Let's see, that accounts for about... 6% of their total beans as being fair trade.

There is a high note though. They did contribute over $36 million to charities last year, not including a total of 383,000 hours of volunteer work.

I'm sure this debate could probably go either way, which is why I'm not going to go into it too much. All of this info came from a publication put out by Starbucks themselves called their Corporate Social Responsibility Annual Report. If you want to read the whole thing, check it out here.

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